Monday 28 May 2018

Opções de ações adquiridas em francês

Opções de ações de funcionários não executivos e inovação corporativa ☆

Fornecemos evidências empíricas sobre o efeito positivo das opções de ações de funcionários não executivos na inovação corporativa. O efeito positivo é mais pronunciado quando os funcionários são mais importantes para a inovação, quando o free-riding entre os funcionários é mais fraco, quando as opções são amplamente concedidas à maioria dos funcionários, quando o prazo médio de vencimento é maior e quando a participação é menor. Uma análise mais aprofundada revela que as opções de ações para funcionários estimulam a inovação principalmente por meio do incentivo ao risco, em vez do incentivo baseado em desempenho criado pelas opções de ações.

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Somos gratos pelos valiosos comentários e sugestões do árbitro (Edward D. Van Wesep), Renée Adams, Ilona Babenko, Dong Chen, Po-Hsuan (Paulo) Hsu, Woojin Kim, e participantes do seminário na City University of Hong Kong, EM Lyon Business School, Universidade Erasmus de Roterdã, Universidade de Coréia, Universidade Tecnológica de Nanyang, Universidade Nacional de Seul, Universidade de Stavanger, Conferência Anual da China 2012 em Finanças, Reunião Anual da Associação de Finanças do Centro-Oeste de 2013 e Agência Asiática de Pesquisa Econômica e Financeira Conferência Inaugural. Também agradecemos a Shih Chia Mei (Carmen) por sua excelente assistência na pesquisa. Chang reconhece o apoio financeiro da Rega Capital Management Limited e do Academic Research Fund Tier 1 fornecido pelo Ministério da Educação (Cingapura). Todos os erros são nossos.

Quem faz aquisições? Superconfiança do CEO e reação do mercado ☆

O excesso de confiança do CEO ajuda a explicar as decisões de fusão? CEOs superconfiantes superestimam sua capacidade de gerar retornos. Como resultado, eles pagam a mais por empresas-alvo e realizam fusões que destroem valor. Os efeitos são mais fortes se tiverem acesso a financiamento interno. Testamos essas previsões usando dois proxies para excesso de confiança: o excesso de investimento pessoal dos CEOs em sua empresa e o retrato da imprensa. Descobrimos que as chances de fazer uma aquisição são 65% maiores se o CEO for classificado como excessivamente confiante. O efeito é maior se a fusão for diversificada e não exigir financiamento externo. A reação do mercado ao anúncio de fusão (- 90 pontos base) é significativamente mais negativa do que para os CEOs não superconfiantes (- 12 pontos base). Consideramos interpretações alternativas, incluindo informações privilegiadas, sinalização e tolerância a riscos.

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Somos gratos a Brian Hall, Kenneth Froot, Mark Mitchell e David Yermack por nos fornecerem partes essenciais dos dados. Somos muito gratos a Jeremy Stein e Andrei Shleifer pelo seu inestimável apoio e comentários. Gostaríamos também de agradecer a Gary Chamberlain, David Laibson e vários participantes em seminários na Universidade de Harvard, Universidade de Stanford, Universidade de Chicago, Universidade Northwestern, Wharton, Universidade Duke, Universidade de Illinois, Universidade Emory, Universidade Carnegie Mellon, INSEAD e Universidade Humboldt. de Berlim para comentários úteis. Becky Brunson, Justin Fernández, Jared Katseff, Camelia Kuhnen e Felix Momsen forneceram uma excelente assistência de pesquisa. Os autores agradecem o apoio da Russell Sage Foundation, da Divisão de Pesquisa da Harvard Business School (Malmendier) e do Centro de Pesquisa Básica em Ciências Sociais de Harvard (Tate).

O Presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, Precisa de Suporte Completo e Heróico de Pessoas Americanas para Combater e Derrotar Antiamericanos, Interesses Protegidos de Pessoas Anti-EUA e Redes de Instilação de Pensamento Remoto, Redes de Leitura de Mente Remota, Redes de Mapeamento Remoto do Cérebro, Redes de Controle Remoto e Controle de Comportamento Remoto Redes

O presidente dos EUA, Donald John Trump, os ex-presidentes William Jefferson Clinton e Richard Nixon, o ex-candidato republicano à presidência Donald Trump e a ex-candidata democrata Hillary Rodham Clinton são / foram / foram vítimas de ataques pelos interesses adquiridos e redes remotas de controle da mente , Remote Mind Reading Networks, Remote Thought Instilling Networks, Remote Behavior Control Networks e Remote Brain Mapping Networks.

Os interesses pessoais não querem permitir que qualquer presidente dos EUA ou qualquer candidato presidencial dos EUA possa trabalhar de todo o coração, com honestidade, sinceridade e total dedicação e puro patriotismo pelo bem dos Estados Unidos da América e seus trabalhadores, agricultores, empresários. pessoas, economia e homens, mulheres e crianças.

O presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, o ex-presidente Bill Clinton, o ex-presidente Richard Nixon e a ex-candidata presidencial Hillary Clinton são vítimas de manobras e ataques clandestinos, clandestinos e sub-reptícios por redes de controle remoto da mente, redes de leitura remota da mente Redes de imagens cerebrais remotas, redes de mapeamento remoto cerebral, redes de controle de comportamento remoto, redes de controle de sono remoto, redes de área remota e redes de controle de corpo remoto.

Os patriotas homens, mulheres e crianças dos Estados Unidos da América devem apoiar o presidente dos EUA, Donald John Trump, e ajudá-lo a garantir a independência funcional completa da Presidência americana, tanto para ele como para os cidadãos americanos agora e também para o futuro dos futuros presidentes. e o futuro das gerações de homens, mulheres e crianças dos Estados Unidos da América.

É uma tarefa árdua porque os interesses investidos usam os métodos mais prejudiciais, prejudiciais, repugnantes, deprimentes, incapacitantes, sujos, sádicos, perversos, cruéis, criminosos, ilegais, inconstitucionais, imorais, antiéticos, furtivos, clandestinos e sub-reptícios e os mais letal, vicioso e prejudicial Remote Mind Control Networks, Remote Mind Networks, Remote Brain Scanning Networks, Remote Brain Imaging Networks, Remote Brain Mapping Networks, Remote Behavior Control Networks, Remote Sleep Control Networks, Remote Body Area Networks e Remote Body Control Networks para tente incomodar, enfraquecer, debilitar, dominar e dominar os presidentes dos EUA e os candidatos presidenciais dos EUA, para que eles sejam os interesses investidos - serão aqueles que estarão no verdadeiro sentido e efetivamente arriscarão seus próprios fins egoístas, nefandos e diabólicos e pelos danos, mágoa e humilhação dos Presidentes dos EUA, Candidatos à Presidência dos EUA, Democracia dos EUA e Povo dos EUA .

O presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, empenhou-se em preservar os interesses para salvar a dignidade, respeito próprio, honra, integridade e independência de funcionamento dos presidentes dos EUA e dos cidadãos norte-americanos. Homens, mulheres e crianças.

Presidentes dos EUA, incluindo Bill Clinton e Donald Trump e Candidatos Presidenciais, incluindo Hillary Clinton, foram / foram Vítimas de Redes de Controle da Mente Remota Venenosas, Letais, Cruel, Viciosas, Sádicas e Pervertidas, Redes de Leitura Remota da Mente, Redes de Varredura Remota do Cérebro, Redes de Mapeamento Remoto do Cérebro , Remote Brain Imaging Networks, Remote Area Area Networks, Remote Behavior Control Networks, Remote Sleep Control Networks e Remote Fear Causing Networks que são fundadas, financiadas, controladas e administradas pelo Anti-US People e Anti-US President Evil, Wicked, Self Serving , Interesses demoníacos, diabólicos, perversos, sádicos e criminais.

Uma vez que tanto o candidato republicano à presidência dos EUA, Donald John Trump, quanto a candidata presidencial democrata dos EUA, Hillary Rodham Clinton, foram ambos alvos dos direitos adquiridos. executar redes de controle de mente remota, redes de controle de pensamento remoto e redes de controle de comportamento remoto, era preciso vencer e se tornar o presidente dos EUA. O plano do jogo desde o início tem sido ver que os presidentes dos EUA, uma vez no poder, devem ser enfraquecidos, estressados ​​e enfraquecidos como aconteceu no caso de William Jefferson Clinton e, melhor ainda, enfraquecer todos os possíveis candidatos presidenciais. que quem ganha nunca será impedido de trabalhar de todo o coração, sem medo, com entusiasmo, sinceridade, descaradamente, sinceramente, corajosamente e com total honestidade, integridade e puro fervor patriótico pelo bem do povo americano, o bem da sociedade americana, o bem dos trabalhadores americanos, o bem dos agricultores americanos, o bem das empresas americanas e da economia americana e para proteger, salvaguardar e defender a segurança, bem-estar, auto-estima e independência do povo norte-americano. homens, mulheres e crianças e os Estados Unidos da América.

Alguns sites que lançam luz sobre a filosofia, operações, funcionamento, tecnologia, metodologias, planos de jogo, estratégias e objetivos dos EUA e Global Vested Interests que desejam controlar os presidentes dos EUA, candidatos presidenciais dos EUA e partidos políticos dos EUA e importantes políticos e influentes personalidades para que os interesses adquiridos possam manipular as alavancas do poder para os seus fins nefastos, egoístas e egoístas e impedir que o bem real aconteça ao povo dos EUA, à sociedade dos EUA, aos interesses dos EUA e à economia dos EUA.

O Presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, nomeia o Tenente-General do Exército dos EUA, Herbert Raymond McMaster, como o 26º Assessor de Segurança Nacional dos EUA, na segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2017.

O presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, fez este anúncio no luxuoso Mar-a-Lago Esatate, no Estado da Flórida, EUA.

O presidente Donald Trump foi todo elogio a HR McMaster: “Ele é um homem de tremendo talento e tremenda experiência. Ele é altamente respeitado por todos os militares e estamos muito honrados em tê-lo ”.

O presidente deu autoridade total ao assessor de Segurança Nacional dos EUA, 54 anos, HR McMaster, para contratar qualquer funcionário que ele julgar adequado, disse um anúncio da Casa Branca.

O assessor de segurança nacional, tenente-general do Exército, HR McMaster, desempenhará um papel crucial na proteção dos interesses dos EUA e na proteção do povo norte-americano e seus interesses na gestão de centenas de funcionários, arbitragem entre departamentos governamentais, equilíbrio entre política externa e política militar e implementação do presidente norte-americano Donald. Visão e agenda da segurança nacional de John Trump.

O presidente do Comitê de Inteligência da Casa, Devin Nunes, elogiou a nomeação do presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, McMaster, de questionar o status quo e infundir novas idéias e novas abordagens nos assuntos militares.

HR McMaster é o autor de um livro de 1997 intitulado "Abandono do dever: Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, o chefe do Estado-Maior Conjunto e as mentiras que levaram ao Vietnã".

Herbert Raymond McMaster nasceu em 24 de julho de 1962 na Filadélfia, no estado da Pensilvânia, EUA.

HR McMaster completou seus estudos do ensino médio na Academia Militar de Valley Forge em 1980. Ele se formou na Academia Militar dos Estados Unidos em West Point em 1984. Ele ganhou uma comissão como segundo tenente em 1984. Ele recebeu seu Master of Arts e Ph. D. . graus em História Americana da Universidade da Carolina do Norte em Chapel Hill. Sua tese foi detalhada em seu livro de 1997.

HR McMaster foi destaque no livro de 1994 de não-ficção de Tom Clancy chamado Amrored Cav: Uma Visita Guiada de um Regimento de Cavalaria Blindada.

HR McMaster recebeu vários prêmios e elogios por seu distinto e meritório serviço aos EUA e a seu povo:

(1) Medalha de Serviço Distinto do Exército.

(2) uma estrela de prata.

(3) Medalha de Serviço Superior de Defesa.

(4) 2 Legiões do Mérito.

(5) 2 estrelas de bronze.

(6) 1 medalha de coração púrpura.

(7) 2 medalhas de serviço meritório de defesa.

(8) 5 medalhas de serviço meritório do exército.

(9) 1 Medalha de Recomendação Conjunta de Serviço.

(10) 10 Medalha de Comenda do Exército.

(11) 4 Medalha de Realização do Exército.

Herbert Raymond McMaster, apontado como o 26º Assessor de Segurança Nacional dos EUA pelo presidente dos EUA, Donald John Trump, é o tenente-general do Exército dos EUA. Atualmente, ele trabalha como diretor do Centro de Integração de Capacidades do Exército dos EUA e como Vice-Comandante Geral Futuro do Comando de Treinamento e Doutrina do Exército dos EUA.

Anteriormente, Herbert Raymond McMaster serviu como comandante do Centro de Excelência de Manobras em Fort Benning, no estado da Geórgia, EUA, e como Diretor da Força Tarefa Conjunta Conjunta de Interagência, Shafafiyat, na sede da Força Internacional de Assistência à Segurança da ISAF.

McMaster foi recentemente o vice-comandante geral do Centro de Futuros do Comando de Treinamento e Doutrina do Exército dos EUA em Fort Eustis.

A esposa de HR McMaster é Kathleen Katie Trotter McMaster. Eles têm três filhas, Katharine McMaster, Colleen McMaster e Caragh McMaster. Sua primeira filha, Katharine McMaster, é a filha mais velha. Colleen McMaster é sua segunda filha e Caragh McMaster é sua filha mais nova.

HR McMaster conheceu Kathleen Katie Trotter em 1983 e se casou com ela em 1985. Eles moraram em 1985 em Fort Hood, Texas e sua esposa trabalhou como professora em uma escola de ensino médio em Copperas Cove, Texas. Enquanto morava em Fort Benning, no estado da Geórgia, Kathleen Katie Trotter McMasster montou o Battle Buddy Resource Center e orientou os novos cônjuges militares.

Kathleen Katie Trotter McMaster, que nasceu em Fort Hood, formou-se na Universidade de Villanova. Ela também estudou na Universidade de San Diego. Em 2013, trabalhou como analista de defesa em Washington, D. C.

Colleen McMaster nasceu em Fort Knox e se formou na Universidade de San Diego. Atualmente, ela está cursando mestrado na Johns Hopkins University.

Colleen McMaster ocupou vários cargos até agora. Ela atuou como assistente dos Advogados de San Diego Fire, uma assistente pessoal dos Serviços de Concierge da Família e uma assistente administrativa no Centro Consultivo Pessoal Civil de Monroe.

Colleen McMaster ensinou em Connecticut como membro do programa Teach for America de 2014. Ela também está atualmente envolvida no ensino de crianças em uma escola de jardim de infância.

Caragh McMaster também ensinou como membro do programa 2015 Teach for America. Caragh McMaster também trabalhou em Connecticut. Caragh McMaster formou-se na Universidade da Virgínia em 2015 com um bacharelado em Filosofia e Estudos Religiosos. Ela tem um interesse intenso em rádio e está internada como DJ. e tem sido um D. J. na WTJU 91.1 FM em Charlottesville, Virgínia.

O Presidente dos EUA Donald Trump, Americanos Europeus e Indios Asiáticos Hindus Dirigidos por Redes de Controlo Remoto da Mente, Redes de Mapeamento Remoto do Cérebro, Redes de Leitura Remota da Mente, Redes de Área Remota e Interesses perversos, sádicos, perversos e investidos.

Historiadores do Futuro, Future American Citizens & amp; Os futuros presidentes dos EUA agradecerão e ficarão eternos gratos ao presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, por derrotar os interesses da Vested & amp; Defendendo a Democracia Americana, a Presidência Americana, as Instituições Americanas e os homens, mulheres e crianças americanos.

Proteja, defenda e fortaleça o presidente dos EUA, Donald John Trump, e cidadãos americanos de redes remotas de controle mental, redes remotas de mapeamento cerebral, redes remotas de monitoramento cerebral, redes remotas de exploração cerebral e redes remotas de imagens cerebrais.

História, Gerações de Pessoas Americanas a Vir e o Futuro Presidentes Americano-Americano serão Eternamente Gratos ao Presidente dos EUA Donald John Trump por defender os interesses e mentes perversas e sádicas e defender a honra, integridade, independência funcional, auto-estima, ética de trabalho incansável e patriotismo absoluto do Presidente dos EUA, Vice-Presidente dos EUA, Pessoas do Congresso dos EUA, Senadores dos EUA e Todos os Conscientes, Trabalhadores e Patriotas, Mulher e Filho dos Estados Unidos da América.

Há uma necessidade urgente de que o presidente pró-povo, pró-trabalhador e pró-EUA Donald John Trump e os homens, mulheres e crianças patrióticos, bem-intencionados e trabalhadores americanos tomem medidas para proteger, salvaguardar e defender-se dos interesses adquiridos. .

Os interesses adquiridos usam Redes de Leitura Mental Remota, Redes de Controle Remoto da Mente, Redes de Monitoramento Remoto Cerebral, Redes de Controle Remoto Cerebral, Redes de Varredura Remota, Redes de Mapeamento Remoto Cerebral, Redes de Imagens Cerebrais Remotas, Redes de Controle Remoto, Redes de Controle de Comportamento Remoto Life Control Networks para controlar o presidente dos EUA, o povo dos EUA, a economia dos EUA e os Estados Unidos da América.

Os interesses adquiridos usam Redes de Leitura Mental Remota, Redes de Controle Remoto da Mente, Redes de Monitoramento Remoto Cerebral, Redes de Controle Remoto Cerebral, Redes de Varredura Remota, Redes de Mapeamento Remoto Cerebral, Redes de Imagens Cerebrais Remotas, Redes de Controle Remoto, Redes de Controle de Comportamento Remoto Redes de controle de vida para monitorar, assediar, prejudicar, prejudicar, difamar e controlar os presidentes americanos que não sucumbiriam a eles e nunca se tornariam cúmplices forçados ou dispostos em seus estranhos, perversos, sádicos, cruéis, egoístas, sádicos, criminosos e inconstitucionais necessidades violentas e auto-engrandecedor, esquemas, desenhos e estratégias para o seu controle do Presidente dos EUA, Legislatura dos EUA, Poder Judiciário dos EUA, Instituições Educacionais dos EUA, Imprensa dos EUA, Economia dos EUA, Forças Armadas dos EUA, Polícia dos EUA e as vastas massas de ignorantes, ingênuos e bem significando cidadãos americanos, homens, mulheres e crianças.

Presidente dos EUA faz discurso eletrizante e ovaciona e aplausos repetidos no Comitê de Ação Pública Conservadora (CPAC), também conhecido como Comitê de Ação Pública Trump (TPAC), na sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2017.

Donald Trump no CPAC na sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2017:

Vamos apoiar a polícia, consertar acordos comerciais quebrados, apoiar os veteranos e trazer de volta o emprego dos EUA para casa.

Nós reconstruiremos nossas cidades internas. Nós ainda não somos o nosso gabinete completo.

Democratas, por favor, ajudem-nos a conseguir nosso gabinete e nos ajude a consertar o sistema de assistência médica.

Nossas reuniões com os CEOs da Casa Branca se transformaram em ações para a construção de fábricas na América e não no exterior, criando muitos empregos bons e bem remunerados e colocando as pessoas para trabalhar.

Reduziremos impostos, reduziremos regulamentos desnecessários, apoiaremos nossa polícia, reconstruiremos nossas forças armadas e cuidaremos de nossos grandes e excelentes veteranos.

Vamos consertar nossos acordos comerciais quebrados, reduzir gastos desnecessários e trazer empregos americanos de volta ao exterior.

Cidadãos patriotas dos EUA devem proteger o presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, de interesses adquiridos e redes remotas de controle da mente.

O Presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, que trabalha incansavelmente, sinceramente e sinceramente pelo bem, segurança, segurança e bem-estar econômico do povo dos EUA, precisa ser protegido e resgatado pelos cidadãos e forças esclarecidos e patrióticos dos ataques mal-intencionados dos interesses investidos e agentes mercenários.

35 Psiquiatras, Psicólogos e Assistentes Sociais podem não estar cientes dos ataques injustificados e imorais contra o 45º presidente dos EUA, Donald John Trump, por interesses adquiridos e seus agentes mercenários.

Americanos Iluminados, a Suprema Corte Vigilante e Legisladores Empáticos devem Resgatar seu 45º Presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, de Continuidade Injusta, Desigualdade, Mal, Perversa, Sádica, Furtiva, Injustificada, Antiética e Imoral Assédio e Vitimização e Ataques de Interesses Investidos e seus Agentes Mercenários .

O presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, tem sido por muito tempo injustamente, sem ética, imoral, perversa e sadistamente vitimado e direcionado por redes remotas de controle mental, redes remotas de leitura mental, redes remotas de controle do sono, redes remotas de área cerebral e redes remotas de controle cerebral e também subordinado ao clandestino e Redes de Varredura Remota de Cérebros e Redes de Mapeamento Remoto do Cérebro.

O presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, está sendo continuamente monitorado e manipulado por alguns psiquiatras, neuro-psiquiatras, psicólogos, psicólogos clínicos, terapeutas de mudanças comportamentais, especialistas em mapeamento cerebral e profissionais indutores de mudança de comportamento e agências.

35 Psiquiatras, psicólogos e assistentes sociais atacaram o presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, e afirmaram que acreditavam que seus discursos e ações indicavam que ele sofria de grave falta de instabilidade emocional que o tornava incapaz de servir como presidente dos Estados Unidos. com segurança. Eles acreditam que o presidente dos EUA sofre do mito da grandeza confirmado.

35 Psiquiatras, Psicólogos e Assistentes Sociais afirmam que o presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, através de suas palavras e ações demonstrou que ele é levado a reações violentas e não tem capacidade de ouvir pontos de vista diferentes dos seus pacientemente e não tem capacidade de empatia e compartilhar as preocupações dos outros. Eles também o acusam de possuir traços que o fazem atacar fatos, atacam jornalistas e cientistas que transmitem fatos e distorcem a realidade para o bem de seu estado psicológico.

35 Psiquiatras, Psicólogos e Assistentes Sociais que podem não estar cientes de que o 45º Presidente dos EUA, Donald John Trump, foi injustamente, injustamente e perversamente atacado e vitimado por um longo tempo são:

(1) Dr. Lance Dode, um M. D. e professor clínico assistente aposentado de psiquiatria na Harvard Medical School, MA, EUA.

(2) Dr. Joseph Schachter, um M. D. e Ph. D e um ex-presidente do Comitê de Propostas de Pesquisa, Associação Psicanalítica Internacional.

(3) Dr. Susan Radant, Ph. D.

(4) Dr. Judith Schachter, M. D.

(5) Dr. Jules Kerman, M. D., Ph. D.

(6) Dr. Jeffrey Seitelman, M. D., Ph. D.

(7) Dr. Henry Friedman, M. D.

(8) Dr. Babak Roshanaei-Moghaddam, MD.

(9) Dr. David Cooper, Ph. D.

(10) Dr. Dena Sorbo, LCSW, BCD.

(11) Dr. Joseph Reppen, Ph. D.

(12) Dr. Ernest Wallwork, Ph. D.

(13) Dr. Judith E. Vida, M. D.

(14) Dr. Richard Reichbart, J. D., Ph. D.

(15) Dr. Joseph Abrahams, M. D.

(16) Dr. Leslie Schweitzer-Miller, M. D.

(17) Dr. Cheryl Y. Goodrich, Ph. D.

(18) Dra. Lourdes Henares-Levy, M. D.

(19) Dr. Alexandra Rolde, M. D.

(20) Dr. med. Helen Schoenhals Hart.

(21) Dra. Eva D. Papiasvili, Ph. D.

(22) Dr. Mali Mann, M. D.

(23) Dr. Phyllis Tyson, Ph. D.

(24) Dr. Era A. Loewenstein, Ph. D.

(25) Dr. Marianna Adler, Ph. D.

(26) Dr. Henry Nunberg, MD.

(27) Dr. Marc R. Hirsch, Ph. D.

(28) Dr. Lora Heims Tessman, Ph. D.

(29) Dr. Monisha Nayar-Akhtar, Ph. D.

(30) Dr. Victoria Schreiber, M. A., L. M.S. W.

(31) Dr. Penny M Freedman, Ph. D.

(32) Dr. Merton A. Shill, JD. LLM., PhD.

(33) Dr. Helen K. Gediman, Ph. D.

(34) Dr. Michael P. Kowitt, Ph. D.

(35) Dr. Leonard Glass, M. D.

O presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, acrescenta substância ao seu mantra de patriotismo americano da Buy American e da Hire American: empresas americanas não podem deixar os EUA para Pastagens Verdes no exterior dizendo “Bye Bye to American Workers e despedindo todos eles”

O presidente dos Estados Unidos, Donald John Trump, prometeu medidas que tornarão a América um lugar lucrativo para firmas americanas, empresas, trabalhadores americanos, contribuintes americanos e homens, mulheres e crianças americanos.

O presidente dos EUA, Donald John Trump, ofereceu várias cenouras de apoio, encorajamento e pronunciamentos de mudança de política positiva na sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2017:

Em primeiro lugar, vamos tornar muito mais fácil fazer negócios na América. No entanto, também tomaremos medidas para tornar muito mais difícil para as empresas deixarem a América; e isso é o que nós vamos fazer. Eles enfrentarão conseqüências graves se disserem adeus e demitirem todos os trabalhadores americanos e se instalarem no exterior.

Em segundo lugar, minha reunião com o CEO da Intel, Brian Krzanich, rendeu benefícios tangíveis para a economia americana e sua empresa, e a Intel anunciou que investirá US $ 7 bilhões na criação de uma nova fábrica que criará milhares de novos empregos nos Estados Unidos. o estado do Arizona.

O CEO da Intel, Brian Krzanich, anunciou na quarta-feira na presença do presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, que a Intel investirá US $ 7 bilhões em uma fábrica em Chandler, no Estado do Arizona, empregando até 3.000 pessoas. Os chips de 7 nanômetros que serão produzidos serão os mais poderosos chips de computador do planeta, acrescentou.

Em terceiro lugar, a nossa administração deu início a uma importante reforma tributária inovadora que reduzirá drasticamente os impostos sobre os trabalhadores e entidades empresariais americanas.

Em quarto lugar, queremos novos empregos, que também são bastante remunerativos e bons empregos para o povo empregável dos Estados Unidos, especialmente seus desempregados, subempregados e todos aqueles que estão involuntariamente desempregados.

Em quinto lugar, estamos trabalhando para eliminar as cargas regulatórias e fiscais que estão sofrendo e atuando como um desincentivo à inovação e às empresas americanas.

Em sexto lugar, a minha administração está totalmente empenhada em garantir a segurança nacional, defender o país, proteger a constituição do país e proporcionar prosperidade real ao grande povo dos EUA.

Resumindo, tomaremos todas as medidas necessárias para ajudar os únicos empreendedores, firmas de parceria, agências governamentais e empresas a criar mais empregos, bons empregos, melhores empregos e empregos com salários mais altos; que está fora da missão.

O vice-presidente dos EUA, Mike Pence Swears em Betsy DeVos como o 11º Secretário de Educação dos EUA na terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2017.

O 48º vice-presidente dos EUA, Mike Pence, jurou em Elisabeth Betsy DeVos como a 11ª Secretária de Educação dos EUA no Edifício do Gabinete Executivo Eisenhower na Casa Branca em Washington D. C., na terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2017.

Elisabeth Betsy DeVos é conhecida há muito tempo como defensora de permitir que as famílias dos EUA usem fundos de escolas públicas para enviar seus filhos para escolas particulares nos Estados Unidos da América.

Foi realmente uma grande vitória pessoal, um momento de orgulho e uma tremenda conquista para o 45º presidente dos EUA, Donald John Trump. Ele colocara seu prestígio em risco quando nomeou Elisabeth Betsy Richard Marvin Dick DeVos como Secretário de Educação dos EUA. Foi apenas o voto empenhado que foi lançado pelo 48º vice-presidente dos EUA, Michael Richard Nancy Jane Cawley, Edward Pence em favor de Betsy DeVos que fez o Senado dos EUA confirmar Elisabeth Betsy DeVos com a margem de vitória mais próxima possível 51-50 .

O vice-presidente dos Estados Unidos descreveu seu voto de desempate como o voto mais fácil de sua carreira política. A educação é uma das poucas questões que são de maior importância para a administração do presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, acrescentou.

As crianças dos EUA não ficarão mais presas em muitos sistemas de escolas públicas que estão muito preocupados com o status quo, enfatizou o vice-presidente dos EUA, Mike Pence.

O líder da maioria no Senado, Mitch McConnell, um republicano de Kentucky expressou sua felicidade em se tornar a 11ª Secretária de Educação dos EUA: Betsy DeVos está comprometida em melhorar nosso sistema educacional para que cada criança, cada criança tenha um futuro melhor.

O senador republicano Lamar Alexander do Tennessee, que serviu como Secretário de Educação dos EUA no início dos anos 90, expressou sua admiração por Elisabeth Betsy DeVos: Betsy Devos será uma excelente secretária de educação.

Lamar Alexander afirmou que a iniciativa de escolha da escola, apoiada por Elisabeth Betsy DeVos, trará competição à educação pública e colocará os estudantes de renda mais baixa em pé de igualdade com os das famílias abastadas. "A ideia de que uma criança de baixa renda nos Estados Unidos deveria ter a mesma oportunidade de ir a uma escola particular nos EUA que uma família rica tem é uma idéia muito americana", disse # 8221; ele adicionou.

Em seu juramento em cerimônia, Elisabeth Betsy DeVos prometeu cumprir bem e fielmente os deveres de seu cargo e também apoiar e defender os Estados Unidos contra todos os inimigos, sejam eles estrangeiros ou baseados nos EUA.

Depois que o Senado dos EUA a confirmou como Secretária de Educação dos EUA, Elisabeth Betsy DeVos twittou sua apreciação pelo bem-sucedido apoio de sua candidatura pelo Senado dos Estados Unidos: "Aprecio a diligência e diligência do Senado". Tenho a honra de servir como o Secretário de Educação dos EUA. Vamos melhorar as opções & amp; resultados para todos os estudantes dos EUA. & # 8221;

Elisabeth Betsy DeVos anteriormente serviu como presidente do Windquest Group, uma empresa privada de investimento e gestão com sede em Michigan, com um portfólio diversificado de produtos e serviços ao consumidor. Atuando na política há mais de 35 anos, Betsy DeVos foi eleita presidente do Partido Republicano de Michigan quatro vezes, antes de se tornar a 11ª Secretária de Educação dos EUA sob o 45º presidente dos EUA, Donald John Trump.

Formado pela Holland Christian High School, Betsy é bacharel em Artes pelo Calvin College em Grand Rapids, Michigan. Ela é ex-presidente do Conselho de Diretores da Federação Americana para Crianças e da Mesa Redonda de Filantropia. Ela também atuou como diretoria de várias diretorias nacionais e locais, incluindo o Art Prize, o American Enterprise Institute, a Foundation for Excellence in Education e o DeVos Institute for Arts Management da University of Maryland.

Elisabeth Betsy DeVos nasceu em 8 de janeiro de 1958. Seu pai é Edgar Prince e sua mãe é Elsa Zwiep. Ela se casou com Dick Devos em 1980 e eles têm quatro filhos: duas filhas Andrea DeVos e Elisabeth DeVos e dois filhos Richard DeVos III e Ryan DeVos. Eles também têm cinco netos. Ela tem um irmão, Erik Prince. Seus sogros são Richard Marvin DeVos e Helen June Van Wesep. Seu cunhado é Doug DeVos.

O marido de Betsy DeVos, Richard Marvin DeVos, filho do cofundador da Amway, Richard Devos, é empresário empreendedor do estado de Michigan, nos Estados Unidos. Ele atuou como diretor executivo da Amway, a empresa de distribuição de bens de consumo, de 1993 a 2002. Ele nasceu em Grand Rapids, no estado de Michigan, nos EUA, em 21 de outubro de 1955.

O presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, estabelece 2 princípios básicos da regulamentação dos EUA: capacitar os investidores dos EUA e aumentar a competitividade dos EUA e canta o mantra do patriotismo americano: comprar americanos, contratar americanos.

O presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, reforça a economia dos EUA, tomando medidas para evitar a reincidência da crise financeira nos EUA em 2007-2008; Estabelece a Regulamentação dos Princípios Fundamentais 2: Capacite os Investidores dos EUA e Melhore a Competitividade dos EUA em Linha com o Mantra de Patriotismo Americano dado pelo Presidente dos EUA Donald Trump: Compre Americanos, Contrate Americano.

Após uma reunião com os principais líderes executivos dos EUA no State Dining Room na Casa Branca na sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2017, o presidente dos EUA Donald Trump assinou um memorando e uma ordem executiva no mesmo dia listando uma série de medidas destinadas a impedindo o ressurgimento da crise financeira de 2007-2008, também conhecida como a Crise Financeira Global ou a Crise Financeira de 2008.

A nova ordem executiva relativa aos negócios dos EUA, ao mercado de capitais dos EUA e ao Wall Street Wall Street dos EUA estabelece dois princípios amplos de regulamentação: capacitar os investidores nos EUA e aumentar a competitividade das empresas dos EUA.

Descrita como a pior crise financeira desde a Grande Depressão dos anos 1930, esta crise de 2008 começou em 2007 em conseqüência de um colapso no mercado de empréstimos subprime nos EUA e se transformou em uma gigantesca crise bancária internacional e o colapso não antecipado e arrepiante o Lehman Brothers, um dos gigantes do banco de investimento, em 15 de setembro de 2008.

Os mercados de ações nos EUA foram derrubados e as bolsas de valores nos demais países do mundo. Um grande número de funcionários da Microsoft Corporation, de Bill Gates, perdeu todos os seus ganhos ao longo da vida, a economia vitalícia e as enormes somas emprestadas de dinheiro neste catastrófico colapso da Wall Street.

As quatro principais conseqüências catastróficas da Crise Financeira de 2007-2008 nos EUA Wall Street e mercado de investidores foram: (1) principais empresas dos EUA sofreram perdas maciças e fechamento de moral (2) a riqueza do consumidor caiu cerca de trilhões de dólares ( 3) a Grande Recessão do resultado de 2008-2012 e (4) a Europa sofreu uma crise maciça de dívida soberana.

O vice-presidente dos EUA, Mike Pence Swears, em Rex Tillerson, como chefe do Departamento de Estado dos EUA na presença do presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, na Casa Branca, na quarta-feira, 1º de fevereiro de 2017.

O ex-diretor executivo da ExxonMobil Rex Tillerson, de 64 anos, foi o principal diplomata e líder do Departamento de Estado dos EUA pelo presidente dos Estados Unidos, Donald John Trump, anteriormente. Mais tarde, conforme exigido pela Constituição dos EUA, o Senado dos Estados Unidos convocou-o para uma audiência completa, encontrou nele um mérito excepcional e confirmou sua indicação.

O presidente dos EUA, Donald John Trump, aplaudiu as capacidades de liderança comprovadas pelo tempo e os excelentes atributos de gestão estratégica de Rex Tillerson: “Ele deixou um trabalho muito bom para isso. é respeitado em todo o mundo antes mesmo de começar. & # 8221;

Por sua parte, o novo chefe do Departamento de Estado dos EUA, Rex Tillerson, agradeceu ao presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, por indicá-lo ao Senado dos EUA para confirmar sua nomeação e prometeu servir o presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump e os homens, mulheres e crianças do Estados Unidos da América com fervor patriótico, espírito de serviço e dedicação em todos os momentos.

O presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, e a Suprema Corte dos EUA.

US President Donald Trump, US Vice President Mike Pence, US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Glover Roberts, Supreme Court Judges Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and the Newly Nominated Nominated Justice Neil Gorsuch.

US President Donald Trump Nominates Neil Gorsuch, aged 49, as a New Judge of the US Supreme Court.

At 49, Neil Gorsuch is one of the youngest to be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court, the apex court of the United States of America. The youngest to be appointed to the Supreme Court of USA was Joseph Story. He was only 32 at the time he was nominated in 1802.

US President Donald Trump underscored the importance of each of the justices of the Supreme Court of USA in the following words: “depending on their age, a justice can be active for 50 years and his or her decisions can last a century or more and can often be permanent” in shaping the life, advancement options, strength, moral fabric, prosperity and contributions of the individuals, groups and the countries in the world.

Established as per Article III of the US Constitution in 1789,

(1) the US Supreme Court is the highest federal court of the United States of America.

(2) the US Supreme Court is the final interpreter of the US Federal Constitutional Law.

(3) the US Supreme Court has ultimate, final, discretionary appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts.

(4) the US Supreme Court has ultimate, final, discretionary appellate jurisdiction over all state court cases pertaining to issues of federal law.

(5) the US Supreme Court has original jurisdiction over a small range of cases in USA.

The US Supreme Court consists of a Chief Justice and eight associate judges, each nominated by the US President and confirmed by the US Senate.

Each of the confirmed judges has life tenure and their tenure will come to an end only if they choose to retire or resign or if they are removed following the due impeachment process.

The court The Court functions from the US Supreme Court premises in Washington, District of Columbia, USA.

With the US President Donald John Trump nominating Justice Neil Gorsuch as a new member of the Supreme Court, the apex court of USA consists of the following justices as on Thurs, February 2, 2017:

(1) the Supreme Court Chief Justice John Glover Roberts.

(2) the Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.

(3) the Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

(4) the Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

(5) the Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer.

(6) the Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito.

(7) the Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

(8) the Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan.

(9) the Supreme Court Nominated Justice Neil Gorsuch.

Justice Neil Gorsuch is nominated by the US President Donald Trump in the place of the vacancy caused due to the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016. He is yet to be confirmed by the US Senate and the US Senate hearing has not begun yet.

Remote Body Area Networks, Remote Body Control Networks, Remote Mind Reading Networks, Remote Mind Control Networks, Remote Behavior Monitoring Networks, Remote Behavior Control Networks, Remote Life Monitoring Networks and Remote Life Control Networks.

With the appointment of Justice Neil Gorsuch to the apex Supreme Court of USA, It can now be hoped that the combination of the US President Donald Trump, US Supreme Court, the US House of Representatives and the US Senate will order a thorough inquiry into the stealthy, sneaky and secretive Remote Body Area Networks, Remote Body Control Networks, Remote Mind Reading Networks, Remote Mind Control Networks, Remote Behavior Monitoring Networks, Remote Behavior Control Networks, Remote Life Monitoring Networks and Remote Life Control Networks which target mostly the naïve, innocent and unaware European American men and the Asian Indian men and monitor and sometimes manipulated almost all the influential, higher-placed and ambitious leaders of USA.

Once the inquiry is over and the most horrible, horrendous, atrocious, criminal, inhuman, cruel, beastly, violent, perverse, sadistic and hellish activities, behavior and objectives of these Remote Body Area Networks, Remote Body Control Networks, Remote Mind Reading Networks, Remote Mind Control Networks, Remote Behavior Monitoring Networks, Remote Behavior Control Networks, Remote Life Monitoring Networks and Remote Life Control Networks are found out, the US public and the enlightened men, women and children will be outraged at them and the well-meaning, caring, constructive, enlightened, empathetic and human the institutions of USA, including the US President Donald Trump, US Supreme Court, the US House of Representatives and the US Senate will at once ban and eradicate these evil, wicked and genocidal Remote Body Area Networks, Remote Body Control Networks, Remote Mind Reading Networks, Remote Mind Control Networks, Remote Behavior Monitoring Networks, Remote Behavior Control Networks, Remote Life Monitoring Networks and Remote Life Control Networks from the US and assist the United Nations Organization and the enlightened nations of the world to get rid of them in order to save the humanity and the decency, dignity and civility of the human world.

Remote Body Area Networks, Remote Body Control Networks, Remote Mind Reading Networks, Remote Mind Control Networks, Remote Behavior Monitoring Networks, Remote Behavior Control Networks, Remote Life Monitoring Networks and Remote Life Control Networks torture, harm, hurt, molest, disable and destroy the European American men and Asian Indian men both while they are in USA and while they are in India or anywhere else in the world 24-hours a day, 365 days a year, 10 years a decade and for decades, mostly for potential use and for the benefit of the vested interests and malevolent, malicious and malignant elements.

US Drug Companies to Heed the Advice of US President Donald Trump, Reduce Prices and Produce More in USA; Novartis AG, Merck & Co, Celgene Corp, Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly and Company and Amgen Inc.

US President Donald John Trump, the New Hope of the Poor, the Disadvantaged and Not-Healthy Americans, urged the Chief Executive Officers and the Chairmen of Novartis AG, Merck & Co. Inc., Celgene Corp., Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly and Company and Amgen Inc., to bring down the prices of drugs sold in USA and also increase the domestic production of drugs in USA.

Addressing a meeting of the Chairmen and CEOs of the six leading pharmaceutical US and MNC companies in USA on Tuesday, January 31, 2017, the President of USA Donald John Trump underscored the fact that in USA, at present, the poor Americans and the disadvantaged Americans together are the largest purchasers of medications sold in USA.

On his part, the New Hope of the poor, the disadvantaged and the workers of USA and the 45th President of USA Donald Trump, who has made delivering on the American Nationalism Mantra: Buy American, Hire American, his most important mission in life, promised faster approval times for new medications and appointment of a US-people-friendly US Food and Drug Administrator soon.

Donald John Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America.

Mike Pence, the 48th Vice President of the United States of America.

Joe Jimenez, the Chief Executive Officer,, Novartis AG, USA.

Kenneth Carleton Frazier, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Merck & Co. Inc., USA.

Mark J. Alles, the Chief Executive Officer, Celgene Corp., USA.

Alex Gorsky, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Johnson & Johnson, USA.

John C. Lechleiter, CEO, Eli Lilly and Company, USA.

Robert A. Bradway, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Amgen Inc.

US President Donald Trump and US House of Representatives May Join Hands to Implement American Patriotism Mantra: Buy American and Hire American.

A Bill Introduced in US House of Representatives Proposes an Increase of 120% in Minimum Annual Salary of H-1B Visa Holders in USA to $130,0000.

If this bill is passed in both the US House of Representatives and the US Senate, receives US President Donald Trump’s consent and becomes the law, the US Companies, the Asian Indian Companies and the MNC companies in USA will be required to hire more of the American workers, help in improving the standard of living of the average American workers and assist in producing more in USA as compared to the present emphasis on outsourcing of work of the American companies to other countries in the world. This may also shower windfall gains on the Asian Indian and other H-1B Visa Holder employees in USA by bringing about a steep rise in the annual minimum salary from the current $60,000 to %130,000.

Boon to Asian Indian H-1B Visa Employees in USA:

120 % Hike in Minimum Annual Salary Proposed:

Annual Salary May Go Up from $60000 to $130,000.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017.

US President Donald Trump may receive support from the US House of Representatives and US Senate to implement American Nationalism Mantra: Buy American and Hire American. However, the same may shower a windfall gain on the Asian Indian and other H-1B visa holders in USA.

A bill has been introduced in the US House of Representatives to increase the minimum annual salary paid to H-1B visa holders by around 120%, moving up from the current $60,000 to $130,000.

9 Major Friendly Countries of USA: India, Japan, Canada, Russia, the UK, Israel, France, Germany and Australia.

Terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2017.

US President Donald Trump Speaks to Leaders of 9 Major Friendly Countries: Narendra Modi, Shinzo Abe, Justin Trudeau, Theresa May, Benjamin Netanyahu, Malcolm Turnbull,

US President Donald Trump Speaks to Leaders of 9 Friendly and Allied Nations: India’s PM Narendra Modh Gandhi Modi, Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau, UK’s PM Theresa May, Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu, Australia’s PM Malcolm Turnbull, Russian President Vladimirovich Vladimir Putin, French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

US President Donald Mary Anne MacLeod Fred Frederich Christian Johannes Trump (45th President of the United States of America)

US President Donald Mary Anne MacLeod Fred Frederich Christian Johannes Trump has been striving heard to deepen and widen his country’s already very strong economic, political, diplomatic, social, philosophical and empathetic ties with India, Japan, the UK, Australia, Russia, France and Germany for adding to one another’s benefit, advantage and strength. In this connection, he has spoken to the leaders of these countries in order to explore greater cooperation, support and assistance to benefit one another’s economy, people and welfare.

US President Donald Mary Anne MacLeod Fred Frederich Christian Johannes Trump (45th President of the United States of America). He is the leader of the country’s ruling party Republican Party of the United States of America (USA).

Sanatani Sanatana Satanana Bharat India’s 15th Prime Minister Narendra Heerabai Damodardas Mulchand Modh Gandhi Modi. He is also the leader of Bharat India’s ruling coalition National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and one of Bharat India’s ruling parties Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Sanatani Sanatana Satanana Bharat India’s Father of the Nation Mahatma Mohandas Putlibai Karamchand Uttamchand Modh Gandhi Modi.

US President Donald Trump had useful talks over phone with Sanatani Sanatana Satanana Bharat India’s Prime Minister Narendra Heerabai Damodardas Mulchand Modh Gandhi Modi (he is a close relative of Mahatma Gandhi. Both Narendra Modh Gandhi Modi and Mahatma Modh Gandhi Modi belong to the same Modh Gandhi Modi caste, same Modh Hindu Vaishya Vanika Baniya community and same Sanatana Sanatani Satanana Bharat Indian Hindu religion).

US President Donald Mary Anne MacLeod Fred Frederich Christian Johannes Trump (45th President of the United States of America)

Japan’s 57th and 63rd Prime Minister Shinzo Yoko Kishi Shintaro Showa-Shoin-Kan Abe. He is also the President of Japan’s ruling party – Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)

US President Donald Trump had useful talks over phone with Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

US President Donald Mary Anne MacLeod Fred Frederich Christian Johannes Trump (45th President of the United States of America)

Canada’s PM and its 23rd Justin James Margaret Sinclair Pierre Charles-Emile Joseph-Louis Louis Louis-Michael Jean-Louis Pierre-Joseph Pierre Etienne-Pierre Francois Mathias Robert Trudeau. He is also the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada.

US President Donald Trump had useful talks over phone with Canada’s 23rd Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

US President Donald Mary Anne MacLeod Fred Frederich Christian Johannes Trump (45th President of the United States of America)

The United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland’s Prime Minister Theresa Mary Philip May. She is also the leader of Conservative Party of the UK.

US President Donald Trump had useful talks over phone with UK’s PM Theresa May.

US President Donald Mary Anne MacLeod Fred Frederich Christian Johannes Trump (45th President of the United States of America)

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Tzila Segal Benzion Rabbi Nathan Mileikowsky Zvi Netanyahu.

US President Donald Trump had useful talks over phone with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

US President Donald Mary Anne MacLeod Fred Frederich Christian Johannes Trump (45th President of the United States of America)

Australia’s PM Malcolm Coral Magnolia Lansbury Bruce Bligh John Turnbull. He is also the leader of the Liberal Party of Australia.

Malcom Bligh Turnbull is of direct paternal Scotland’s descent; his great-great-great grandfather was John Turnbull (1751–1834).

US President Donald Trump had useful talks over phone with Australia’s PM Malcolm Bligh Turnbull.

US President Donald Mary Anne MacLeod Fred Frederich Christian Johannes Trump (45th President of the United States of America)

Russian President Vladimirovich Maria Ivanovna Putina Vladimir Spiridonovich Spiridon Ivanovich Ivan Petrovich Pyotr Prokhorovich Prokhor Ivanovich Ivan Alekseevich Putin. He earlier served as the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (2008-2012), President of Russia (2000-2008), Acting President of Russia and Prime Minister of Russia (1999-2000) and the Acting Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (1999-1999).

US President Donald Trump had useful talks over phone with Russian President Vladimirovich Vladimir Putin.

US President Donald Mary Anne MacLeod Fred Frederich Christian Johannes Trump (45th President of the United States of America)

French President Francois Gérard Georges Nicolas Nicole Frédérique Marguerite Tribert Georges Gustave Hollande. He is also the leader of the Socialist Party of France.

US President Donald Trump had useful talks over phone with French President Francois Gérard Georges Nicolas Hollande.

US President Donald Mary Anne MacLeod Fred Frederich Christian Johannes Trump (45th President of the United States of America)

German Chancellor Angela Dorothea Joachim Sauver Ulrich Merkel. She is also the leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) of Germany.

US President Donald Trump had useful talks over phone with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

US President Donald Trump: “We only want to admit those into our country who will support our country and love deeply our people.”

US President Donald Trump wants to keep the people of the country safe by disallowing the potential problem makers from entering the country and allowing only people from other countries who love his people deeply and who will only be assets to and not liabilities for his beloved America.

US President Donald Trump Signs Executive Order fort the Building of a 20-Feet Mexico Border Wall on the Border Between USA and Mexico and Calls for the Recruitment of 5000 Border Patrol Officers.

Why is US President Donald Trump Victimized by Machiavellian Vested Interests and Remote Brain Control Networks?

US President Donald Trump announced several measures on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 for greater security at US borders to prevent illegal immigration that is detrimental to the interests of USA, US Economy and US people.

At the headquarters of the Department of Homeland Security, Donald Trump announced other measures to find and deport unauthorized immigrants.

US President Donald Trump Designates January 20 as the US National Day of Patriotic Devotion to “strengthen our bonds to each other and to our country”

He issued issue Proclamation 9570 that designates January 20 Every Year in commemoration of the day of his inauguration, January 20, 2017 as National Day of Patriotic Devotion.

The Total Text of the Proclamation 9570 is carried by the website for the Office of the Federal Register, a government office within the National Archives and Records Administration of the US Government.

The Proclamation begins with the following text: “A new national pride stirs the American soul and inspires the American heart. We are one people, united by a common destiny and a shared purpose.”

US President Donald Trump Takes the US out of the 12-Nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

US President and the New Hope of USA Donald John Trump Convinces the US Business Leaders to Produce in USA and Partner with US Workers for Mutual Benefit.

US President Donald Trump Acts on His American Patriotism Mantra: Time for Empty Talk is Over, Buy American, Hire American and Gives a Boost to the US Workers, the US GDP, the US Trade Balance Position and the US Economy.

The 45th President of USA and the country’s new hope Donald John Trump signed a memorandum on Monday, January 23, 2017 withdrawing US from the 12-Nation Trans-Pacific Partnership in order to herald a great thing for the American worker.

Donald John Trump also made clear that under his US Presidency, the US will have no truck with multi-national trade agreements that harm US economy, US workers and its long-term vision of improving the living standards of not only the rich and middle-income Americans but also the ordinary Americans including its workers, farmers, farm workers, student workers and other disadvantaged sections of the US economy.

It is true that the 12-Nation Trans-Pacific Partnership that harmed USA, its workers and its economy, had not been approved by the US Congress.

On the same day, Monday, January 23, 2017, US President Donald Trump [whose Apprentice TV Management Program earned him millions of viewers and admirers both in the US and most other countries in the world, not only among European Americans and other Americans but also Asian Indians (it is also true that the detractors of Donald Trump and his Apprentice Show brought many of his viewers and admirers into remote Body Area Networks (BANs), Body Control Networks (BCNs) and Life Control Networks (LCNs) and have been torturing them, destroying them, hurting them, harming them and humiliating them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, 10 years a decade and for decades and deliberately prevented many of them from watching the Apprentice Show finale and have still been torturing them 24 hours a day)], met with US MNC business leaders on behalf of the ordinary American citizens and the ordinary American workers to persuade them to implement his American Patriotism Mantra: Time for Empty Talk is Over, Buy American, Hire American and make them to hire US workers and manufacture their goods in USA for the benefit of them, for the benefit of the US Workers, and for the benefit of the US economy and help USA cut its ballooning fiscal deficit and international trade deficit and rise the growth rate of US Economy.

Time for Empty Talk is Over, Buy American, Hire American; Donald Trump Coins American Patriotism Mantra.

Donald John Trump, the New Hope of USA, was sworn in as the 45th President of USA President at a glittering ceremony by the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court John Roberts on Friday, January 20, 2017.

After he was sworn in, Donald John Trump promised his USA and American men, women and children: “Robust First 100 Days.”

Donald Trump, Body Area Networks (BANs) and Mind Control Networks (MCNs)

Donald Trump Has the Moral Right to Eradicate BANs, BCNs, MCNs, BrANs, CCNs, FCNs, RCNs and LCNs since he himself was a victim of the machinations and the foul tricks of these evil, wicked and pernicious networks.

The full transcript of Donald Trump’s inaugural address on the West front of the US Capitol in Washington on Friday, January 20, 2017:

Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans and people of the world, thank you.

Together, we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come. We will face challenges, we will confront hardships, but we will get the job done.

Every four years, we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power, and we are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their gracious aid throughout this transition. They have been magnificent. Obrigado.

Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning because today, we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D. C. and giving it back to you, the people.

For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs. And while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.

That all changes starting right here and right now because this moment is your moment, it belongs to you. It belongs to everyone gathered here today and everyone watching all across America. This is your day. This is your celebration. And this, the United States of America, is your country.

What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. January 20th, 2017 will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. Everyone is listening to you now. You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement, the likes of which the world has never seen before.

At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction that a nation exists to serve its citizens. Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families, and good jobs for themselves. These are just and reasonable demands of righteous people and a righteous public.

But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists: mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge; and the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.

This American carnage stops right here and stops right now. We are one nation and their pain is our pain. Their dreams are our dreams. And their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny.

The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans. For many decades, we’ve enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry; subsidized the armies of other countries, while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military. We’ve defended other nations’ borders while refusing to defend our own; and spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas while America’s infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay.

We’ve made other countries rich while the wealth, strength and confidence of our country have dissipated over the horizon. One by one, the factories shuttered and left our shores, with not even a thought about the millions and millions of American workers that were left behind.

The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed all across the world.

But that is the past.

And now, we are looking only to the future. We assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital, and in every hall of power.

From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land.

From this day forward, it’s going to be only America first, America first.

Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs will be made to benefit American workers and American families. We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs. Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength.

I will fight for you with every breath in my body and I will never ever let you down.

America will start winning again, winning like never before. We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth.

And we will bring back our dreams. We will build new roads and highways and bridges and airports and tunnels and railways all across our wonderful nation. We will get our people off of welfare and back to work, rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor.

We will follow two simple rules; buy American and hire American.

We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world, but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first. We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example. We will shine for everyone to follow.

We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate from the face of the Earth.

At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other.

When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. The bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity. We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity.

When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.

There should be no fear. We are protected and we will always be protected. We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement. And most importantly, we will be protected by God.

Finally, we must think big and dream even bigger.

In America, we understand that a nation is only living as long as it is striving. We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action, constantly complaining, but never doing anything about it. The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action.

Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done. No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America. We will not fail. Our country will thrive and prosper again.

We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.

A new national pride will stir ourselves, lift our sights and heal our divisions.

It’s time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget, that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots.

We all enjoy the same glorious freedoms and we all salute the same great American flag.

And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the wind-swept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they will their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty creator.

So to all Americans in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, from ocean to ocean, hear these words. You will never be ignored again. Your voice, your hopes, and your dreams will define our American destiny. And your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way.

Together, we will make America strong again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And yes, together we will make America great again.

And God bless America.

Donald Trump, Body Area Networks (BANs) and Mind Control Networks (MCNs)

Donald Trump Has the Moral Right to Eradicate BANs, BCNs, MCNs, BrANs, CCNs, FCNs, RCNs and LCNs since he himself was a victim of the machinations, manipulations, and the foul tricks of these evil, wicked and pernicious networks. These networks had secretly conducted brain scanning and brain imaging tests on him and had complete information about everything that he spoke, did and thought in his life.

New players were brought in one after another in dramatic manners just before the US Presidential Poll to utter trash in order to make Americans not like him as much as they would have if they had not been not acted upon by the vested interests and by these BANs, BCNs, MCNs, BrANs, CCNs, FCNs, RCNs, LCNs and other pernicious, inhuman and treacherous networks.

Donald Trump Has a Moral Duty to Save the European American Men and Students and Asian Indian Men and Students from Evil, Wicked, Nefarious, Lethal, Inhuman and genocidal Forces, Perverse and Sadistic Minds and the Most Horrible and the Most Criminal Vested Interests.

An Important Task for Donald Trump is to Ban the Remote Body Area Networks (BANs), Remote Body Control Networks (BCNs), Remote Mind Control Networks (MCNs), Remote Brain Control Networks (BrANs), Remote Career Control Networks (CCNs), Remote Finance Control Networks (FCNs), Remote Relationships Control Networks (RCNs) and Remote Life Control Networks (LCNs) which monitor, manipulate, maneuver, harm, hurt, humiliate, continuously sleep deprive, continuously career destroy, continuously relationship destroy, continuously body part disable, continuously stress out, continuously tire out, continuously talk to, continuously body scan, continuously brain scan, continuously mislead, continuously inject thoughts, continuously inject sensations, continuously inject images, continuously show past incidents, continuously show concocted images, continuously show videos, continuously work on genital organs and every other body part, continuously sing, continuously talk in multiple voices, continuously experiment upon, continuously torture, continuously show images – inject sensations – inject changes – show scenes – show past incidents – show fearful and grotesque images – show never before seen natural disasters and natural extremities and make life miserable, intolerable, unlivable, undesirable, torturous and hellish of the most extreme and unbelievably insufferably harshest kind, targeting mostly the European American students and men and the Asian Indian students and men, not only while they are in the United States of America, but also where ever they are be it in India or wherever else, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, 10 years a decade and for decades.

Donald Trump Appeals to the Patriotic Men, Women and Children of USA.

On his first day of office on Friday, January 20, 2017, the 45th President of USA Donald John Trump Appealed to his beloved American men, women and children to Think Big, Dream Bigger, Shun Empty Talk, Move to Action, Take National Pride, Open Heart to Patriotism, Get Back to Work, Start Winning Again, Place America First, Control the Country, Transfer Power from Washington DC and give it to themselves, Take their Share in Washington’s Wealth, Make America Wealthy Again, Make America Proud Again, Make America Safe Again and along with him and his administration, Make America Great Again.

Donald Trump Promises Robust First 100 Days as the President of USA.

Donald Trump attended the Inauguration Freedom Ball on Friday, January 20, 2017. His ecstatic supporters and unabashed fans wildly and merrily cheered when Donald Trump greeted them with the words: “We did it.”

After attending the Inauguration Parade on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, Donald Trump left the Capitol Hill to reach the White House in a Motorcade.

Donald John Trump re-installed a bust of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the Oval Office in the White House at Washington D. C., the Capital City of USA.

Donald John Trump used the Resolute desk which was a gift from Queen Victoria to the then President of USA in 1880.

Donald Trump’s First Executive Order on the First Day of His Presidency of USA.

On the first day of his becoming 45th President of USA, Donald Trump moved to the White House and signed an executive order titled “Minimizing the economic burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act pending repeal”.

In his executive order, Donald Trump stated: “It is the policy of my administration to seek the prompt repeal” of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

The executive order directs the departments and agencies in USA to ease the burden of the act as a transition to repeal and replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.


Os agentes on-line têm "fornecedores interrompidos" & # 8217; psique & # 8217; mas os agentes tradicionais ainda podem reagir, afirmam.

Estate agency sector analyst urges traditional agents to take a leaf out of Purplebricks’ book & # 8211; mas eles podem fazer isso e ainda lucrar?

A parte de Zoopla de listagens em uma alta de três anos, afirma o relatório do banco.

& # 8216; Classificação com excesso de peso & # 8217; do banco envia o preço da ação para cima.

Upbeat Hunters sees expansion in ‘challenging’ o mercado - e diz que o colapso do franqueado foi "único" # 8217;

As ações da empresa de franquias Hunters aumentam quase 11% após a atualização positiva da empresa.

Panorama da BBC para investigar despejos sem falhas da Seção 21 & # 8216; & # 8217; esta noite.

O programa desta noite debaterá se os inquilinos do setor privado alugado precisam de mais proteção.

Proptech startup that claims to weed out time-wasting tenants raises £2.8m in funding.

Company claims to vet tenants, who are given shortlists of suitable properties.

Purplebricks founder Kenny Bruce bids to buy football stadium.

Bid comes after Bruce invested £500,000 in his home town football club last year.

Tenant fees ban: Chartered Trading Standards Institute to give MPs its views today.

Communities and Local Government Committee hearings into tenant fees ban and private rented sector resume.

Fixflo forms advisory board made up of business heavyweights and appoints non-executive chairman.

Veterans of Financial Times and Friends Reunited among proptech firm’s advisers.

More buyers ditching high street lawyers for specialist online conveyancing services, claim.

Research shows buyers increasingly don’t want to use a general solicitor to manage the legal side of their purchase.

Revealed: The hundreds of millions poured into online and hybrid agents.

Ten top agents have raised £250m between them.

Collapse of Hunters in Norfolk results in 21 job losses.

Confirmation of redundancies follows meeting of creditors yesterday.

Online agent defends failure to display EPC ratings on Rightmove listings.

Agent insists EPCs have been commissioned but are not pulling through to Rightmove.

Competition watchdog that fined estate agents £370,000 launching new price fixing crackdown.

Competition watchdog vows to hunt down more illegal cartels.

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do especialista em direito David Smith.

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Related to Government policies: fiscal policy.

pol·i·cy 2.


pol•i•cy 2.


The noun politics is usually used to refer to the methods by which people get, keep, and use power in a country or society.

When politics is used like this, you can use either a singular or plural form of a verb with it. It is more common to use a singular form.

Politics can refer to a particular set of beliefs about how countries should be governed or power should be used. When you use politics like this, you use a plural form of a verb with it.

Politics can also refer to the study of the ways in which countries are governed, and of the ways in which people get and use power. When you use politics like this, you must use a singular form of a verb with it.

There is no noun 'politic'. To refer to a course of action or plan that has been agreed upon by a government or political party, use policy .

Don't use 'politic' as an adjective to mean 'relating to politics'. Use political .


that's not my policy → ése no es mi sistema.

it would be contrary to public policy to do this → iría en contra del interés nacional hacer esto.

it is policy to wait a few days → es prudente esperar unos días.




it is our policy to do that → fa parte della nostra prassi or politica fare questo.

to follow a policy of → seguire una politica di.

the government's policies → la politica del governo.

it would be good/bad policy to do that → sarebbe una buona/cattiva politica fare questo.

to take out a policy → fare or stipulare un'assicurazione.

policy 2.


▲ governante governed governess governessy governing governing board governing body government Government Accounting Office government activity government agency government agent government bond government building government department Government House government housing government income government issue government loan government man government minister government note government office government officials Government policies government policy Government Printing Office government revenue government security government stock governmental governmentalism governmentalist governmentalize governmentally governmentese government-in-exile government-owned government-owned, contract-operated ships government-owned, Military Sealift Command-operated ships government-subsidized housing governor Governor cut-off governor general governor plum governor vessel governorate governor-general Governors Island governor's plum ▼

▲ Government Owned Enterprises Government Owned Housing Government Owned Software Government Owned Vehicle Government ownership Government ownership Government ownership government paper government paper government paper government paper Government Paperwork Elimination Act of 1998 government patent Government pension Government pension Government pension Government pension Government pension Government pension Government Pension Fund Government Pension Investment Fund Government Pension Offset Government Performance and Finance Committee Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 Government Performance and Review Act Government Performance Information Consultants Government Performance Management Framework Government Performance Project Government Personnel Services Division Government Plant Representative Government policies Government policy Government policy Government policy Government policy Government Policy and Communications Office Government Policy Life Cycle System Government policy statement Government Postage Stamp Printers Conference Government Pre-Installation Acceptance Test Government Preliminary Inspection Government Prices Oversight Commission Government Printing Office Government Printing Office Government Printing Office Government Printing Office Government Printing Office Government Printing Office Government Printing Office Alumni Association Government Printing Office Regional Printing Procurement Office Government Printing Office, United States Government Printing Office, United States Government Process Management Government Procurement Agreement Government Procurement Card Government Procurement Code Government Procurement Committee Government Procurement Development Group Government Procurement Experts' Group Government Procurement Policy Board Government Procurement Reform Act ▼

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Trump denies vulgar remarks about Haiti, African countries; condemnation mounts.

FILE PHOTO - U. S. President Donald Trump addresses a joint news conference with Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg in the East Room of the White House in Washington, U. S., January 10, 2018. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst.

13 de janeiro de 2018.

(Note: Language that may offend some readers)

By Doina Chiacu and James Oliphant.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Facing strong condemnation at home and abroad, U. S. President Donald Trump on Friday denied using the word “shithole” to describe Haiti and African countries, but kept up criticism of a Senate immigration plan that he said would force the United States to admit people from countries that “are doing badly.”

Trump reportedly made the remarks at a White House meeting on immigration on Thursday. U. S. Democratic Senator Dick Durbin, who attended the gathering, told reporters on Friday that Trump used “vile, vulgar” language, including repeatedly using the word “shithole” when speaking about African countries.

The Republican president’s comments were decried as racist by African and Haitian politicians, by the United Nations human rights office and by U. S. lawmakers from both major parties.

Trump, who has been accused of racism over several issues since he took office a year ago, sought to walk back the comments on Friday, saying on Twitter, “The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used.”

Trump also denied saying “anything derogatory about Haitians other than Haiti is, obviously, a very poor and troubled country.”

According to two sources, at Thursday’s meeting Trump questioned why the United States would want to accept immigrants from Haiti and African nations, referring to some as “shithole countries.”

While many Republican lawmakers stayed quiet on Trump’s remarks, Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, called them “unfortunate” and “unhelpful,” noting in an interview on CNN that his family had emigrated to the United States from Ireland to help build the nation’s railroads.

At an event on Friday at the White House, Trump honored the memory of Martin Luther King Jr, the civil-rights era activist who was slain in 1968. King’s memory is marked with a national holiday, which falls this year on Monday.

Trump stood beside Isaac Newton Farris, King’s nephew, while a group of about 20 African-American supporters and members of his administration were on hand in the Roosevelt Room, including Ben Carson, his Housing and Urban Development secretary. He ignored reporters who shouted questions about his remarks.

A group of Republican and Democratic senators has been working for months to craft legislation that would protect 700,000 young adults who were brought into the country illegally as children and later shielded from deportation under a program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA.

In a series of tweets on Friday, Trump also suggested that momentum toward a deal on maintaining such protection had stalled. “The so-called bipartisan DACA deal presented yesterday to myself and a group of Republican Senators and Congressmen was a big step backwards,” ele disse.

The tentative deal also addresses border security, including a border wall, the diversity visa lottery and chain migration, in which U. S. green-card holders can sponsor other family members for permanent residence in the country.

Among other objections, Trump said the plan did not provide proper funding for the proposed wall that he made a center-piece of his election campaign. He added the country “would be forced to take large numbers of people from high crime countries which are doing badly.”


Haiti said it was shocked by Trump’s reported remarks on Thursday and summoned the top U. S. diplomat in the country, asking for an apology if the vulgar term had been used.

El Salvador’s government sent the U. S. a formal letter of protest that said the president had “implicitly” accepted the use of “harsh terms detrimental to the dignity of El Salvador and other countries.”

Botswana also said it had summoned the U. S. ambassador to that country to “express its displeasure” and had asked him whether Botswana “is regarded as a ‘shithole’ country.”

Trump’s comments are extremely offensive to South Africa, said Jessie Duarte, a senior official with the ruling African National Congress. “Ours is not a shithole country. Neither is Haiti or any other country in distress,” ela disse.

In Geneva, U. N. human rights spokesman Rupert Colville said “These are shocking and shameful comments from the president of the United States. There is no other word one can use but ‘racist.'”

The reported language was the latest in a long string of anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim comments by Trump that have been condemned as racist. He also blamed “both sides” after a white supremacist rally in August in Charlottesville, Virginia, turned violent and a woman protesting against the rally was killed.

Durbin said that despite Trump’s rejection of the bipartisan deal he would introduce it as legislation next week and work on getting Democratic and Republican support for passage.

“We have seven days and the clock is ticking. Our bipartisan group continues to build support for the only deal in town,” Durbin said in a statement on Friday.

He was referring to Jan. 19, when funds for operating federal agencies expires. Durbin and other lawmakers want the immigration measure to be attached to a must-do bill to fund the government beyond that date.

In recent days, a group of Republican and Democratic leaders from the House and Senate have met with the stated goal of crafting an alternative to the Senate bipartisan deal. But there was no indication that those four leaders were planning to meet over the long Martin Luther King Day federal holiday weekend or when they might produce legislation.

(Reporting by Doina Chiacu, Richard Cowan, Susan Heavey and Roberta Rampton; Additional reporting by Stephanie Nebehay in Geneva, Guyler Delva in Port-au-Prince, Ed Stoddard in Johannesburg, Chris Mfula in Lusaka, Terje Solsvik and Camilla Knudsen in Oslo, Nelson Renteria in San Salvador; Writing by James Oliphant; Editing by Jeffrey Benkoe and Frances Kerry)

102 Comments on "Trump denies vulgar remarks about Haiti, African countries; condemnation mounts"

Criticizing President Trump? Gee, then you must like Acosta, you know the so called reporter who grandstands to draw attention to himself at every White House briefing. Worry about your own countries’ affairs and the things your leaders are doing and leave us alone. Don’t you have anything else to do? We finally have a President who loves our country and puts it’s citizens first. He also calls a “spade a spade”! Get over it and mind your own business.

The world is full of $hitholes. We even have a $hithole right here in America. California, the $hithole State of America.

Haitians need to go back home if their extended stay is up. The people from El Salvador, too….what do they think we are–Welfare To The World?

Trump simply spoke the truth and what he said applies to the democrat party and it’s supporters.

So…..Durbin a libtardonian who supports DACA and wants it to stay probably lied about the words that Trump used in hopes that it would force President Trump to crumble and accept DACA and keep it. I don’t trust a word the libtardonions are saying and couldn’t care less if Trump called those countries sheet holes or not….because I have been to each of them and let me tell you….by our standards here in the USA they are sheet holes.

The Dems are invading the US and lying about how many are here.

I just hate having a president who tells a truth every time his lips move. I’m used to being lied to and being told the gubmint will give me FREE STUFF.

What state do you live in or are you in the Basement of the Kremlin?

If he was in the Basement of the Kremlin he would only have to peek over his cubical to tell you, and wouldn’t waste his time doing it here on OANN.

I agree 100% even though Trump’s colorful language is not very presidential, it is very accurate in describing these countries. Mexico should be included in the designation s–thole country.

Trump’s best asset is not being presidential. That’s what’s got this country in such a mess now. Example is all the flack he’s getting from the establishment “professional” politicians and their lap dog media. Tell another insult Mr. President!

No one cares what Trump said except the dems with their “fake outrages.” Trump is doing what we want him to do. That’s more than I can say about any of those in Congress right now.

No one cares what Trump said except the dems with their “fake outrages.” Trump is doing what we want him to do. That’s more than I can say about any of those in Congress right now.

The Jackas* Racist Liar Needs To Be Censured!

It’s Time to Censure Trump for ‘Conduct Unbecoming’ of a President.

There is a way to punish President Trump for his ignorant, racist words without resorting to impeachment.

He should be censured by Congress.

Do you have a problem with the truth? I’ve been many of these s–tholes, they call countries. Trump brutal description is exactly right. Kenya, obambam’s stomping grounds s–thole is a good description, Tunisia, just as bad, or worse. In fact if one wanted to give the earth an enema, Tunisia wold be where they inserted the syringe. Many of these African countries are so over-run by muslims, they’re their own krapastans as bad as any terrorist country in the world.

No he is wrong – they are helping against Terrorists all over the world and you should expand your itsy-bitsy tiny horizons and narrow perspectives. Looking at their country can be beautiful.

no more than your itsy-bitsy-tiny brain cells.

So the simple act of helping against terrorism is supposed to cover over the fact that most of these countries governments are corrupt? it is supposed to cover over the fact that most of these countries don’t have running water or indoor plumbing? Face the facts numb nut….I have been to these countries and they ARE sheet holes…..Trump didn’t lie….he told the truth.

Oh….yea…..These places are so beautiful that hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions of people who live there try to run away from it….The beauty must be so great that they cannot stand to see it any longer and try to leave and come to a less beautiful place like the USA………

hey dcblueblood…no one cares what trump said or didn’t say. as far as conduct unbecoming a president, look to your own dem pres bill clinton. womanizing while in office and then lied about it before finally admitting he did “have sex with that woman” a long time after. That’s definitely conduct unbecoming a president, for sure.

WRONG — The entire world does — Coming from Redneckistan, you are well un-informed.

You’ve been searching for your Dem Nixon since he resigned! Boa sorte!

that’s the whole point, no one cares what the whole dem world thinks nor what the dems in that hole in DC thinks, either. And who in the h— is searching for Nixon? He’s dead!

Ahhhh the cork sucking libtardonian is back I see….

Para quê? Speaking the truth? I have been to those countries….and they are sheet holes….When was the last time a president was impeached for telling the truth? I know it wasn’t your beloved demonrat bill clintoon….because he was impeached for lying.

By the way, Obozo is the one on a different planet, not Fox viewers, sort of like a bizzaro world of the real world.

I don’t believe Trump said it, but it really needed saying…these millions running away from those countries are not fleeing to America because their home counries are NOT crapholes, but because they ARE crapholes.

Breaking: Democrats sign up for double shifts at D. C. glory holes after crying to their mommies over Trump using mean words.

Anyone male still voting Democrat is a complete c*ck holster.

No more immigrants from the outhouse.

Now that’s what I call PC!

Since when is calling a sh*thole a sh*thole an issue?

The Dems call it racist and then turn around and say we can’t end TPS and ship people home because their countries are sh*tholes.

Nixon used profanity in the WH; no one talked about it, but it came out when they released the tapes.

Truman was known for tough talk, too.

Even if Trump said it, big deal… and it doesn’t sound the least bit “racist” para mim. But the thing is, the crapheads who claim Trump said this are people with a vested interest in getting him over a barrel in negotiations (as well as running him out of office); meanwhile, some who were there are saying he never spoke thusly. Barring a recording, I think the most obvious conclusion is that the accusers are lying, flat out.

The dems/libs that are offended need to grow up if this is all it take to trigger them these days. I haven’t enough index fingers to express my opinions of their low character, lying, cheating and lack of morals and integrity.

I’ve lived in Illinois a long time. I haven’t believed one word old Dickie – boy Durban has ever said, so I don’t think I’ll start now.

I’ve lived in Illinois a long time. I haven’t believed one word old Dickie – boy Durban has ever said, so I don’t think I’ll start now.

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Judicial Watch • Clintons Pushed Most Wasteful of U. S.-Funded Haiti Projects.

Clintons Pushed Most Wasteful of U. S.-Funded Haiti Projects.

Roughly half of the $1.14 billion that the U. S. government allocated to help Haiti recover from the 2010 earthquake has gone to wasteful projects with the single largest chunk—$170.3 million—going to a failed port and power plant adventure heavily promoted by Bill Clinton and the State Department under the leadership if his beloved wife.

Can you say scandal? The former president, who has been heavily involved in distributing Haiti earthquake reconstruction funds, pushed hard for the power plant and port for an industrial park in northern Haiti billed as the centerpiece of the United States’ effort to help the ravaged island nation rebuild. As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton joined her husband in the effort, making several trips to Haiti to promote the project and encourage foreigners to invest in it.

In fact, Bill and Hillary Clinton led a star-studded delegation last year to inaugurate the industrial park, located about 100 miles from Port-au-Prince, tied to the power plant and port. Hollywood actors, a famous fashion designer and a British business magnate joined the Clintons as did high-ranking Obama administration officials such as then Labor Secretary Hilda Solis.

Hillary delivered a heart-felt speech saying “we have been united behind a single goal – making investments in this country’s people and your infrastructure that help put Haiti finally on the path to broad-based economic growth with a more vibrant private sector and less dependence on foreign assistance. And we believe that our work here in Haiti and here in the north is beginning to show results.”

Not really, according to a federal audit of the $1.14 billion that Congress approved to help Haiti recover from the powerful earthquake that killed more than 200,000 and left over 1 million homeless. The probe was requested by a Florida congresswoman who chairs the House Middle East and North Africa Subcommittee because hundreds of millions have been spent in Haiti with virtually no accountability.

The investigation focused on $651 million that American taxpayers have given Haiti via the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) since 2010. The probe “reveals a troubling lack of progress and accountability,” according to the lawmaker who ordered it, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. “More than three years after the devastating earthquake of January 12, 2010, we find that much of the assistance that the U. S. has provided Haiti for reconstruction efforts has suffered from ineffective stewardship on the part of USAID,” the veteran congresswoman says in a statement posted on her website.

The Clinton-backed power and port venture is the biggest and most expensive failure mentioned in the report. An astounding $170.3 million later, it is years behind schedule, lacks a qualified engineer and has unrealistic timeframes. As a result, planning has been hindered, the report says, and “funding will be insufficient to cover a majority of projected costs.” It will take an additional $117 to $189 million to complete it and it’s unclear whether the Haitian government will be able to find a private sector company willing to finance the remainder of the project.

That means Uncle Sam must come to the rescue or the $170.3 million already wasted on the project will be lost. Either way, U. S. taxpayers get screwed. Besides the scandalous, Clinton-backed power and port experiment, congressional investigators found mismanagement of a crucial housing plan that was supposed to accommodate up to 90,000 Haitians. USAID claims it will only be able to handle 3,200 to 15,900 people at nearly double the original cost of $59 million. That means the cost per house is nearly triple the original estimate, according to the report.

Back to the Clinton prominence in all things Haiti; the United Nations named the former commander-in-chief as a special envoy to the island and his Clinton Foundation has raised $34 million for Haiti since the catastrophic earthquake hit. Additionally, the former president has distributed $54.4 million from the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, which was launched shortly after the earthquake. The fund closed in December after distributing the last of the money and claims that it has “helped Haitians create a better future through smart, sustainable economic development” though it acknowledges that “much work remains to be done in Haiti.”

Combined with the U. S. government money and other charities that have raised huge sums for Haiti earthquake recovery, the island has received billions to rebuild. Yet three years later, news report after news report reveals that a large number of Haitians still live in deplorable, shanty town tent cities and an ongoing epidemic of cholera has claimed thousands of lives. Makes you wonder if someone is pocketing the money.

Read more about Clinotn, Haiti.

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Shiite hole place, hmmmm we say that about Detroit, chitago , ny, la etc… I know a guy from Haiti and he himself says it’s a Shiite hole place. After the disaster there the Haitian people sat on their ass’s and waited on others to fix their country. I remember the Clintons got involved there and they just stole the money from the people….but I guess no one on the left remembers that? Just say-n.

Even if he did, he isn’t wrong.

It wasn’t a ‘vulgar’ remark. I have heard much worse from other politicians.

Guess none of these “children” today know anything about how Churchill, JFK, Lyndon Johnson, Nixon, and probably other Presidents also were known for cutting loose a lot of “expletives” whenever it suited them. Nothing new, really. Get a grip, you people.

Of course the media barely blinked an eye when VP Biden was actually heard saying “This is a big f-ing deal!” regarding one of the worst pieces of legislation in US history … CommieCare.

Countries in Africa and Haiti are the way they are because of corruption, crime and poverty. The old Soviet Union was a s-hole onto itself yet it had very few “people of color”.

What is the oldest Continent with the least civilization?

What is the common denominator?

Sadly enough…. AFRICANS.

so whoever said or didn’t say it, they are in SH*T*OLE COUNTRIES.

I believe him – more and more fake news. He SHOULD record them all now,

I wonder what Senator Durbin’s response to this would be:

“IP Addresses Tied to Revenge Porn Forum Traced to U. S. Senate Offices”

I guess all of these offices are those of Republicans because we all know how straight and just the Demos are…good grief bet one of the offices belongs to Durbin pahahahahahaha.

I wonder what Senator Durbin’s response to this would be:

“IP Addresses Tied to Revenge Porn Forum Traced to U. S. Senate Offices”

I guess all of these offices are those of Republicans because we all know how straight and just the Demos are…good grief bet one of the offices belongs to Durbin pahahahahahaha.

Guttierez forgets the KKK is a democrat platform… insane democrats forever deflect, blame, and whine.

guttierez sounds kinda like Shiite hole….what a racist! Just say-n.

Like one of those Libtards has never said the same thing in private, which is what most of the people in this country think of those countries! It is what it is and that’s what they are! Get over it snowflakes!

Hillary Clinton said all Black men are “Super-Predators”

If (that word) is considered vulgar, I would hate to hear how the language that was coming out of the oval office during the Clinton/Lewinski affair was labeled…hmmmm.

I bet the Kennedy Whore (I mean White) House was interesting too.

Yup, but JFK was an American to his core..never would have acted the way the dimocrats do today, likely be a republican…

Best Seller ‘Hilary Howls & Hissyfits’

Does anybody really believe anything coming out of a far-left, liberal loon Democrap mouth like Durbin? Really.

Didn’t Durbin once call our military a bunch of Nazis or some such reference?

They ARE sh**hole countries. I have been there. I have seen it…They ARE SHlTHOLES .

But you know what ? President Trump cannot assume what he says in a private meeting will remain private. Was there some method Trump is employing here? Remains to be seen, but the President needs to assume democrats and rino’s are the enemy for the duration. They make stuff up all day long and I don’t believe he said sh–hole. I believe Durbin is a liar, but the President doesn’t need to be handing them stuff. Record every meeting, and if they lie agian, nail them to the wall. So tired of this high school nonsense.

While the language used may have offended some and could have been spoken more tactfully the President’s point is valid. Continuing to fill our nation with people that have little to zero education and job skills is not a good idea. This is 2017 not 1917 and our immigration policy should reflect that. We no longer need a flood of cheap labor like we did 100 years ago. We need to try to fix problems at home before fixing the worlds problems. This includes taking in people from failed or third world nations. The U. S. is facing so many problems at home. Massive debt, infrastructure problems, overcrowded, mismanaged public schools, more people in prison than any other country, more people on social welfare programs than every before, etc,… this doesn’t even included problems the President inherited like North Korea and Islamic terrorism. Our focus as Americans should be getting our house in order regardless of political affiliation. 🇺🇸

True, but it’s refreshing to actually hear (read) it said because we all know it gets said behind closed doors and then the “leadership elite” class comes out and acts like ice wouldn’t melt in their mouths.

OMG he used vulgar language. Everyone knows news people, politicians, movie stars, and pretty much everyone else never use vulgar language. This is clearly an impeachable offense.

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S. C., said fellow South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham confirmed President Trump referred to some nations as “shithole countries” during a White House meeting that Graham attended with lawmakers Thursday.

Scott told the Post and Courier that Graham said the comments that have been widely reported by the press are “basically accurate.”


BLOCKED & they ARE sh**hole countries…

Truth hurts your feelings huh – Wwwwaaahhh!

Someone lied about what he said at the meeting. People should know by now that the media will twist words to make it look like something it isn’t.

President Trump is scheduled for his first physical exam as president today. He was probably anticipating his digital prostate exam, so I am cutting him a break about his supposed sh-thole comment. Besides everyone knows what he meant: sh-thole = third world.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) is slamming President Trump for calling Haiti, El Salvador and certain African nations “sh**hole countries,” saying his remarks were “absolutely wrong.”

“If this report is true, it is absolutely wrong to say or think this,” Scott said in a statement Thursday after the comments were first reported by The Washington Post. “I do not think this way, nor do I agree with this kind of sentiment. I represent Florida, and we are an amazing melting pot where over 250 languages are spoken.”

WOW … Republicans are coming out in droves to condemn the Racist in Chief!

Do you need grief counseling?

Our President is an International Embarrassment!

Donald Is A Realist.

YOU are a SH**HOLE.

Speaker Ryan calls Trump ‘s***hole’ remarks ‘unhelpful’ and ‘unfortunate’

Breaking his silence, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Friday called President Trump’s “shithole countries” remarks “very unfortunate” and “unhelpful, noting that Ryan himself was a descendant of Irish immigrants who had faced prejudice and hostilities when they first moved to America.

The Speaker said he had read press accounts Thursday night about Trump’s immigration meeting with lawmakers in which he reportedly complained about restoring protected status for immigrants from “sh**hole countries” like Haiti, El Salvador and some African nations.

Yeah it’s unfortunate our President is a Xenophobic Racist. Yeah!

Were you their or are you just another Trump hating left wing A hole.

I’m just repeating what Speaker Ryan said … this is an International Incident!

Our Racist in Chief has Open Mouth Insert Giant Stupid Disease!

This was a closed door meeting. Who cares what was said? If countries are so offended, then they can stop asking America for money and military assistance. The money saved can go to border security. Grow a pair, wimp.

I vote he’s a Trump hating left wing A hole.

Ryan is a Sh! thole.

The Democratic party is so desperate to get any traction, they make mountain out of mole hills! Where was all the outrage during the 8 years of racism perpetrated by the obaaammmma administration!

Where is the outrage over what is taking place in Chicago, Detroit on a daily basis gang killings. Democrats are losing voters by the hundreds every weekend and Trumps alleged comments in a private meeting is the headline. Mesmo!

OMG!! Have grief counselors been rushed to the scene for the Dimmocrats, the media hacks, and the rest of all those poor little snowflakes?? Stop the presses!! The sky is falling!! Call out the Army and the Marines.

Trump didn’t say anything new that a lot of the public hasn’t been saying themselves anyway. Every day,

a new day, a new “crisis” for the Democrats and the media. Nothing new. Same old song over and over and over. These people really should go try to find a LIFE, and GET OVER THEMSELVES.

Pathetic isn’t it? I wish the Greatest Generation were still around to kick some ass.

I agree the dimwitrats should start thinking about trying to help the 500,000 displaced Legal American Citizens that are receiving no welfare and no help from Our government, instead of worrying about people who are in this Country illegally.

This is the old deflect rule by the dems-they don’t want to deal with the pressures at hand so they totally go off on some nonsense that means absolutely nothing to anyone. And of course the lame stream press has to jump in full bore. Nothing to see here-move along.

Okay, there are no minutes of the meeting?

President Trump needs to have every meeting with Dems and Repubs taped from now on so no one can lie about what was said!

I’m willing to bet they already do. Commonsense dictates it.

He needs to record these meetings. And when something like this comes out, spill the truth and reveal the liars the democrats are.

You know that strategy will definitely work AGAINST Trump. RI MUITO!

…and at the very least, everyone will watch what they say. I bet the Dems would wish they had never started leaking bogus info and had kept their mouths shut, lol.

To begin with, it is pathetic that it was leaked out from a “closed door” meeting…

But it was leaked by an “unethical” and obviously untrustworthy Democrat, and we all know how they despise the president and will say and do anything to discredit him…

It is truly sad, when the president cannot make a comment (be it presidential or not) meant only for those in the immediate room without have some unethical jerk blast it to the news media…

Mr. President; In the future, be very careful whom you have in your “closed door” meetings and chose your words more carefully when talking about these “turd” world countries, your only fueling the Dummy-crat fires…..

Tape the meetings.

Yes, that would eliminate any confusion about what was said. If he did say it…was any law broken? Have the Dems never used this descriptive language about other countries. Can you say Demo hypocrites.

Sargento Rocket Scientists, Name Me Some Democrats That ARE Ethical or Trustworthy!….I’ll Understand If You Have To Do a Tactical Withdrawal!

Why would I have to make a withdrawal?? You apparently didn’t understand my post….

And your sarcasm is pathetic…

If Haiti and African countries weren’t crapholes then the people from those countries wouldn’t be fleeing by the boatloads to other countries, mainly white countries. Just a fact. Deal with it liberals.

America should receive payment with exchange of land for losers program… ri muito.

Give us your losers, we take your land… then we return them under our laws on our new land.

5 acres per loser please… new program!!

“Trump’s comments are extremely offensive to South Africa, said Jessie Duarte, a senior official with the ruling African National Congress. “Ours is not a s**thole country. Neither is Haiti or any other country in distress,” she said.”

If you don’t think you’re living in 3rd world country–then your brain is a sh**hole too!

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